Monday, August 6, 2012

Courageous Update

First I'll start off by saying that Sketchy Sunday was a bust this week. I haven't had a chance to think of a new collection, let alone create illustrations. I apologize for that because I really look forward to sharing that with all of you every week. This coming Sunday I should have something done to share and I hope you'll enjoy!

The real reason for this post ... I recently started working at a clothing store in Scarsdale, NY called Courage. b. It's temporary until my Fall semester begins but I'm glad to have the opportunity to familiarize myself with the retail aspect of the fashion industry. I've been in the store for three days this past week so far. Its pretty cool to interact with customers and sell items in the store, although it does get kind of boring when no one is around. Hopefully this experience teaches me much more about retail as I continue to work there and gives me an insight into what it will be like to own my own clothing stores for my dream line. I'll keep you all updated if anything interesting occurs during my time here. Until then be Courage. b!

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