Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Project Runway Recap & Review Week 5

So here's the deal for last week; The designers were given Nina Garcia's Challenge which consisted of designing for a working woman to be featured in Marie Claire Magazine. The designers were divided into two teams and were instructed to create their functional, editorial looks and direct a photoshoot for the magazine. In Team 5 was Christopher, Ven, Fabio, Nathan, and Gunnar. In Team 6 was Sonjia, Melissa, Alicia, Dmitry, Elena, and Raul.

Team 6 won the feature in the magazine, while everyone in Team 5 just ended up safe and still in the competition.

The Winner this week:

Melissa won last week's challenge and honestly I don't understand why. Yes, the blue dress with the oversized collar was pretty and intriguing but I don't see what is so special about it. Suprisingly, she used color which was in her favor but its not like she had much choice being that Elena wanted to take over.

Auf'd last week:

Raul was out ... again! He made the two tops seen in the above looks. I personally liked them both although the grey one wasn't as memorable. Raul seems to put himself in high regard. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was okay but still needs improvement, but people treat him as if he has no skill at all and that just annoys me. Anyway, farewell to him for the second time.

My favorites:

Who other than Mr. Christopher Palu? I love that he used his signature pointed fabric cutouts! I just thought his look was remarkable. Enough said, I think it speaks for itself.

Dmitry's look was nice and simple. I love the diagonal coloring and the construction of it was great. He sews incredibly as we know and it makes this look very clean cut.

Fabio is finally designing with his aesthetic in mind and it comes across beautifully. The head wrap brings in his own sense of style while still working with the collection. I think this look is very chic and modern.

I dont't know why, but I am quite fond of the top and out layer that Elena created. It's not her typical box-y, warrior things that she makes time and time again. She did good with this one; its simple and sophistocated.

I'd also like to add ...

Ven's top was sloppily put together and his white skirt was eating at the model's thighs. He needed to include a slip underneath the skirt so that it doesn't bunch up her legs. I'm also getting tired of his architectural/drape-y type designs, I wish he'd do something different.  

Gunnar needs a reality check. He doesn't know what the heck he's doing. This may sound rude but I really hope he's next to go.

Elena may be blunt and telling it how she sees it but enough is enough. No one wants a control freak telling them what to do and no one likes a bitch, yes I went there!

Nathan's look was okay but the pants, even though the draping was intentional, looked very sloppy and baggy. If they were more tailored, his look would definitely be a favorite of mine.

Finally, Sonjia's skirts were nice and well put together but there was nothing special about them to me.

Next week, the designers are creating looks for actual clients who are in need of a makeover. Let's see how that pans out.

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